Courses taught at Dalhousie
Since assuming appointment as Assistant Professor in September 2001, I have taught undergraduate courses in Optics and Photonics (PHYC 3540) and Introductory Physics in the regular stream (PHYC 1100) and as part of Dalhousie’s Integrated Science Program (DISP 1510/01), Medical Imaging (PHYC 2240) and a team-taught graduate course, Experimental Techniques in Materials Science (PHYC 6601), in which I focused my lectures on Raman spectroscopy.
Teaching Philosophy, Practices and Goals
My goal as a teacher is to inspire a love and appreciation for physics by linking theory with experiment, the reality of the world around us with our physical understanding of it. Bridging the gap between the lecture room and the “things around us” is my primary goal as a teacher. Lecture demonstrations are the bridge and I’ve learned that to develop appropriate ones requires a monumental effort.
I also wish to reach all learners in the classroom, from the ones who are there because of a previous attraction to the subject matter to those who take the course because it is required.
As a supervisor, I seek to develop students’ confidence, independence, appropriate lab practices, and their scientific logic. I strive to inspire a sense of excitement in, and love of, their research project.
My philosophy is to engage the students with multiple lecture styles and to experiment with technology in order to assess its merit. I am not afraid to try new material or modes of presentation as one must develop a personal style. As an experimental physicist, I will experiment. Students will provide the necessary critique and, if one is willing to listen to these commendations and recommendations, success is sure to follow. Regardless of the method employed, preparation is the key.
The learning pyramid is a useful conceptual framework designed to demonstrate the capacity for retention of material delivered in various forms. For example, after oral lectures learners retain an average of 5% of the material. With the addition of audio visual aids, the retention level increases to 20%. Further additions such as lecture demonstrations result in 30% retention, while at the base of the pyramid, allowing learners to teach one another results in a whopping 90% retention rate. The learning pyramid focuses the teachers’ efforts on means by which the capacity retention of the learners may be increased rather than on the delivery of the maximum amount of course material to them.
Appropriate demonstrations help students understand the relevance of physics to their daily lives. I use demonstrations in Optics and first year physics to bridge the barrier between academia and the real world. My grade 12 physics teacher inspired this in me when she had the class calculate the trajectory of a ball and then test whether our prediction was correct through an experiment. This notion of integrating theory and experiment in enhancing learning remains with me to this day.
In first year physics we employ concept tests and computer modeling to aid understanding. Concept tests are multiple choice questions posed during the lecture. One generally poses up to
4 in a one hour lecture. The questions test the students’ ability to
analyse a problem conceptually. Students are given a couple minutes to choose
their response which is tabulated on the black board. They are then asked to
convince their neighbour of their initial answer to the question. Subsequently, there is another
tabulation of responses. In most cases
the number of correct responses rises significantly, and on the first
occasion using this method the number of correct answers doubled! I use this
method, referred to as the Mazur method, as a means for students to develop an
understanding of lecture concepts. According to the schematic diagram in Fig. 2-1, this method should lead to a 90% retention
rate since it forces
students to teach one another after immediately learning the concept. I will certainly increase my use of this method in upper level classes as it has worked very well at the first year level.
We also employ computer modelling of concepts that are difficult to visualize. For example, the equation describing a travelling wave on a string is difficult for first year students to grasp as it involves two variables, time and position. A simple Excel spreadsheet program enables them to enter the equation and view the path of the wave in time. In Optics, I employ ray tracing programs which allow the students to visualize the path of light through a complicated optical system; computer models of the circular, elliptical or linear polarization properties of light helps them visualize the electric field associated with light. This method has been very successful as well.
I challenge students with my problem sets and exams, especially when I taught Optics and Photonics and Experimental Techniques in Materials Science. At times, I may go overboard with my expectations and will have to adjust my mode of thinking in this area. Less is more “they” say, and I believe this even more now after gaining some experience.
PowerPoint has been used in my optics lectures and I have learned a great deal from the students’ comments on its use. The latter will be discussed in section 3.2, however, it can said to have specific and limited as a lecture tool in certain courses, Optics and Photonics being one of them. To assess the retention of knowledge and learning preferences of the students in the third year optics class, I use a “two-minute drill” and a mid-term course and instructor evaluation.
Quality teaching functions as a powerful tool in recruiting students to the field of physics. We all may remember that special teacher whose enthusiasm for the subject and interest in our progress propelled us into our chosen field. Such influence is marked by the desire of teachers to communicate the language of their chosen field to the learners. The practices I have described above aid in this translation and have been guided by the philosophy contained in the conceptual framework of the learning pyramid.
Publications related to teaching
1. K. C. Hewitt. Discourse and Dat course. Focus (on university teaching and learning). 12 (1), 2-3 (2002).
2. Faculty Mentoring at Dalhousie University: Comments from Learning Associate Kevin Hewitt, PhD. 10 minute video, The Office of Instructional Development & Technology, Producer: Susan Holmes, MEd, Associate Professor, Henson College. Sept. 2002.
Invited Talks & Presentations – Science/Other education
1. Holography: Making scratch holograms. Yakutia International Science Games, Yakutsk, Russia, July 10 (2018)
2. Hidden figures: making the invisible, visible – Black Nova Scotians in science and technology, Nova Scotia Community college. Halifax, NS Feb 7 (2017)
3. Shared Governance at Canadian Universities, Canadian University Boards Association Annual Meeting, Panelist, Halifax, NS, Canada, April 29 (2016)
4. STEM Outreach to Underrepresented Communities. “Outreach to the African-Canadian community.” American Physical Society, March Meeting, Forum on Education in Physics session, Boston, MA. Feb. 28 (2012)
5. Preparing and Troubleshooting labs. Dalhousie University TA Days, Sept 10 (2008)
6. Imhotep’s Legacy After School Science Enrichment Program for African Nova Scotian Learners.American Physical Society March Meeting Kevin Hewitt, Emmanuel Nfonoyim, Barb Hamilton-Hinch, Margo Hampden, Wayn Hamilton, New Orleans, LA, [Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 53(2) ] March 12 (2008)
7. Use of the Classroom Performance System in PHYC 1100. Course Design Workshop – Strategies Day. Dalhousie University, Center for University Teaching. Dec. 11 (2007)
8. African Contribution to Science. Nova Scotia Community College – Akerley Campus. May 7 (2007).
9. Challenges in Physics Education Today and the Role of Technology. Panelist. John Wiley and Sons Canada Focus Group. MaRS Collaboration Centre, Toronto, ON. Oct. 13 (2006)
10. What do water and oil, balloons and needles have to do with Sickle cell anemia? Sickle Cell Information session. Watershed Association Development Enterprises. Dartmouth, NS. June 25 (2005).
11. The Physics of music. SHAD valley. Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. July 14, (2004).
12. What do water and oil, balloons and needles have to do with Sickle cell anemia? East Preston Recreation Center. East Preston, NS. Nov. 1 (2003).
13. How motors work. Africentric Science Summer Camp. St. Francis Xavier University. Antigonish, NS. July 17 (2003).
14. Embracing your future in science. BEA Math and Science Camp, Dalhousie University, July 7 (2003).
15. Physics and Sickle Cell Anemia. Visions of Science 2003. University of Toronto. May 17 (2003).
16. Seeing is believing…?. Visions of Science 2003. University of Toronto, Audience: approximately 500 middle school (Grade 6-8) students from the Toronto area. May 16 (2003).
17. Science Fair judge and presenter, Feb. 10 & April 17, 2003. Grade 2-5. Nelson Wynder Elementary School. Invited to present science enrichment activities (Magnetism and superconductors) and judge the science projects of Grade 2-5 students at this school in North Preston. Feb. 10 (2003).
15. Facilitating Inclusion of African Nova Scotian Learners in Secondary Mathematics and Science: An Interactive Professional Development Inservice for participating HRSB Teachers. Halifax Regional School board. Halifax, NS. May 15 (2002).
16. “The Matchmakers tale: Three Years of Faculty Mentoring at Dalhousie University.” Dalhousie Conference on University Teaching and Learning: Pedagogy First: Supporting Learning and Teaching with Technology. May 8 (2002).
17. Understanding Batteries. Oxford School Science and Technology Conference. Halifax, NS. May 7 (2001)
18. Seeing is believing…?, The Afrocentric Science Academy, Saint Mary’s University, October 14th and 21st (2000).
19. Science & Your future possibilities, Dalhousie University Transition Year Program Graduation, April 20 (2000).
20. Promoting Cultural Diversity within the Classroom and Across the Campus, Simon Fraser University, TA/TM Day, Workshop leader, Sept. 10 (1999).
21. Holograms. Grade 4-6 Science Open House, Simon Fraser University, May. 5 (1999).
22. Festival of Science and Technology Open House, Simon Fraser University, Oct. 23 (1998).
23. Sundials, Building a battery, Building a motor. Akoma Ntoaso – Youth Building Bridges Together. Fraserview Boys and Girls Club, Vancouver BC, Sept. 27 (1998).